The Memory of Treblinka Foundation

  • Escapees - database
  • detailed information(current)
First Name
Last Name
Date of birth
Place of birth
Maiden name
Mother's name
Father's name
Transport where from
Date of transport
August 1942
"We came to the train station, where freight cars were already standing. They started herding people into the wagons. [I held the baby in my arms the whole time. Since I was the last to enter the wagon, I had some air through a crack in the door. [...] I just tried to save the child. Meanwhile, a whole pile of corpses was already lying in the wagon. I climbed over the dead bodies and approached the window, which was closed and boarded up with nails and wire. I tried with all my might and finally managed to open the window. A breath of cold air hit me hard and I lost consciousness. I don't know how long I lay like this, but I saw my wife's sister, Itka, throw herself into the window and jump out. Seeing this, I took my wife, who was already undressed and almost naked, forcibly lifted her and pushed her out the window. I threw her out the way one throws out an apple stub. I didn't look to see if she survived or not. I only heard a shot. Then I heard her voice as she screamed in Polish: 'Child! Baby!' I took the child and leaned out the window with her and threw her as far away from the train as possible so she wouldn't fall close to the wheels. I heard the shot again and fell back into the carriage and fainted again." Miriam and her daughter survived on Aryan papers near Kraków.
from a transport
Date of death
Place of death


AYV O3.3459, rel Chaim Arie Tug

Record ID
Insert date
Update date
Photo description
Photo source
The Memory of Treblinka Foundation